• Gold tail to various willows and blue stars! Big bursts and loud report!
  • Strobes, willows, tails, fish, crackles, red, blue, purple, green, and gold! This one has it all!
  • Features 6 shots of white strobe mine with red & blue plus varying effects!
  • Whistling tail to brocade crown/nishiki willows/color pearls. Unbelievable UFO girandola with triple breaks for the finale!
  • A. Chrysanthemum, color pearls, white strobe mine (peacock blue, orange, red, green, white) B. Ti-gold mine, color strobe (gold, silver, red, green) C. Gold palm to color chrysanthemum mine (gold, red, green, blue) D. Color dahlia, strobe, peacock blue mine (peacock blue, red, gold, orange, green, white, purple, silver)
  • Red & blue with white strobe, green with blue brocade crown, purple and green with crackle, silver fish with blue, gold willow with gold strobe, brocade crown with white strobe, plus timerain with red and blue, ALL IN ONE!
  • Double layer of effects! Color and white strobe mine up to blue, yellow, red, green, purple, and red with white strobe!
  • Features red palm tail up to beautiful strobes and colored stars!
  • Brocades, palms, strobes, falling leaves, timerain, and fish in red, green, gold, and purple! A great all in one product!
  • Brocade crown to red and blue with gold strobe. White strobe with red plum, silver twist tail up to white strobe with purple, and silver fish with red and blue.  Red and green swimming stars with crackle tail up to brocade crown and crackle blue.
  • Gold tail to brocade to red/green/blue with amazing chrysanthemum flower finale. Big burst!
  • 158 Shot zipper cake, featuring red, green, and blue comets, plus amazing effects!