• Ultimate Blast is a 500 gram cake with 115 shots of red, green, purple,& blue dahlias with brocade crowns shot in a Z shaped pattern. It finishes with a crackling red tail finale! Click HERE to find a Fireworks City near you!
  • U.S. Power contains 4, 500 gram cakes, each with 6 powerful shots with silver brocades, colorful strobes, assorted palms, and loud crackling flowers. Click HERE to find a Fireworks City near you!
  • Twitter Glitter is a dazzling fountain with red and green stars continuous whistle and reports. Click HERE to find a Fireworks City near you!
  • Gold coconut to glitter, red glitter mine to TWISTERS, assorted color bouquet to green glitter, mine to TWISTERS, red and green willow rain, TWISTERS to blue mine, ends with loud crackling tail to red and green coconut and crackling chrysanthemums!! Click HERE to find a Fireworks City near you!
  • Features red glittering tails to red glitter and green glittering tails to green glitter; red tails to red stars with timerain crackling and green tails to geen stars with timerain crackling. Ends with seven-shot finale of swirling dragon tails to timerain crackling
  • Trophy Wife has 480 SHOTS of brocade on both sides with red and green stars and titanium silver chrysanthemums in the middle. Click HERE to find a Fireworks City near you!
  • Shoots a spray of gold titanium flowers and then silver titanium flowers.
  • Touch the Sky is a 200 gram cake that features beautiful aerial breaks. Light the fuse and touch the sky with 25 shots of red and green strobes! This cake also features a rapid-fire 5 shot finale! Click HERE to find a Fireworks City near you!
  • AWESOME! TOTALLY RAD blue, silver, green, red, and crackling mines to blue, silver, green, red, and crackling bouquets. SO COOL! 25 SHOTS! Click HERE to find a location near you!
  • Total Dominance is a LARGE assortment containing Artillery Shells, Fountains, Small Cakes, and MORE! Click HERE to find a Fireworks City near you!
  • Torpedo Firecrackers are super loud adult snappers. Throw on a hard surface and they explode like a firecracker! Click HERE to find a Fireworks City near you!
  • Get this all straightened out: rows of whistling and swirling tails to crackling flowers alternating with rows of brocade tails to red stars with silver glitter, purple stars with green glitter, and blue stars with gold glitter. 30 SHOTS!!